คำถามหมวด Language จะถามเกี่ยวกับประสบการณ์
อีกสิ่งที่สำคัญ คือ topic-specific vocabulary
หรือ คำศัพท์เฉพาะหมวด (สังเกตคำที่เป็นตัวหนา)
How long have you been learning English?
I have learnt English for about twelve years because there are English subject and subjects conducted in English in my high school’s and university’s curriculum. I also try to improve my English continually by registering in courses of tutor schools such as Writing Course of Enconcept E-Academy.
What is easy/difficult?
I think English is a skill-based subject. This means it will be difficult at first to learn English skills like speaking and writing. However, after some practices and some time, I find that it is easier for me to write or speak in English. Personally, the easiest skill is listening but the most difficult one is writing.
What opportunities do you have to speak?
Actually, there are a lot of chances to speak in the class since all subjects in my undergraduate degree are conducted in English. Normally, in each subject, there is the time for group discussion on case study when I can practice speaking.