คำถามหมวด Food จะถามเกี่ยวกับอาหารที่เราชอบ อาหารของประเทศเรา และความเห็นของ
อีกสิ่งที่สำคัญ คือ topic-specific vocabulary
หรือ คำศัพท์เฉพาะหมวด
What kind of food do you like?
I definitely like Thai food, especially the dishes with hot and sour tastes like ‘Tom Yum Koong’. It is very famous traditional Thai dish and it is a spicy, sour and creamy soup with fresh large king prawns which you can easily find in Thailand. Thai people usually eat it with rice. It usually came on the top of my most favorite dish.
What are typical Thai foods?
Typically, Thai foods are dishes which are mostly soup with hot and sour tastes and a lot of herbs like lemongrass, ginger and lime. They are normally served with rice. Some Thai exotic and famous dishes are, for example, papaya salad, or so called ‘Som Tum’.
Is cooking a man’s or a woman’s job?
Stereotypically, it is a woman’s job to do housework like cooking and cleaning. However, nowadays as the world is more equal for both men and women, I think cooking can be shared by both genders and cooking is fun so the men may want to do it too.
How do you like foreign food?
I like foreign food as much as Thai food, particularly, Italian foods like parma ham pizza, carbonara spaghetti, and lazanya because they are delectable and so different from Thai dishes in ingredients and tastes. Mostly, cheese is the main ingredient that makes Italiand dishes salty and creamy and I love it!